Topic and research

The scientific research in the GPNP: Red Lists and species of conservation interest

The IUCN Red Lists are a tool for assessing the health of biodiversity at global, national and local scales. They inform and guide actions for the conservation of species and their habitats. The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in Switzerland.

The most important aspect of the Red Lists is the classification of species with respect to local and/or global extinction risk into the following categories:

-least threatened (LC, least concern)

-near threatened (NT)

-vulnerable (VU, vulnerable)

-endangered (EN, endagered)

-critically endangered (CR, critically endegered)

-extinct (EX, extinct)


The Red Lists are an authoritative and dynamic technical tool that periodically involves numerous experts. The Park Authority studies and monitors the most endangered species and implements concrete actions to safeguard them from the risk of local extinction, e.g. by building fences to prevent grazing or collecting seeds for long-term conservation and possible future reintroduction 


Link to IUCN site and red list Aosta Valley and Piedmont



Local (VDA):


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